Physics student Teaching Assistant job application
Register for all your required classes on Connect before applying for these jobs.
All jobs are tentative depending on enrolment, funding etc. and specific to a time-slot.
Winter 2025 applications are due December 7th, 2024.
List of TA jobs anticipated for the 2025 Winter Term
Physics 1041: Physics for Life Science. (Note: Physics 1051 & 1551 works for experience)
- Assignment Marker (Job Code A1)
- POD TA /float marker (<=30hrs) Mon 12:30-1:30 (Job Code A2)
- Lab TAs Wednesday noon-1:20pm (Job Code A3)
Friday noon-1:20pm (Job Code A4)
Physics 1401: Physics of Music and Sound
- Lab TA/Marker Thursday 10 -11:30am (Job Code M1)
Physics 1551: General Physics 2
- Assignment Marker (high GPA and experience) (Job Code B1)
Morning TAs
- Tues 8:30-10am (Job Code B2)
- Tues 11:30-1pm (Job Code B3)
- Thurs 8:30-10 am (Job Code B4)
- Thurs 11:30-1pm (Job Code B5)
Afternoon TAs
- Tues 4-5:30pm (Job Code B6)
- Wed 2:30-4pm (Job Code B7)
- Thurs 4-5:30pm (Job Code B8)
- Friday 2:30-4pm (Job Code B9)
Physics 1041/1551 Setup Assistant (<=30hrs)
- Monday (shared with 1041 TBA pm) (Job Code C1)
Physics Help Center TA s (<=30hrs)
- 1041 TBA Sun afternoon 3-4:30pm or TBA ) (Job Code H1)
- 1551 Wed eve 6pm or TBA (Job Code H2)
Astrophysics and Observatory Assistant (<=30hrs)
- Variable Evenings . (TBA - list options M-F ) ( Job Code D1)
Physics 3751: Energy Production and the Environment. -tentative dependant on enrolment
- Lab TA Thursday 2:30-5:30pm (Job Code E1)
- Typically Physics TAs work ~40 hours per term including marking. If less than 30 hours are expected a * indicates a smaller work load. In some cases, strong TAs may be offered two smaller jobs, for example, Float marking and Setup assistant.
- Marking must be done in a timely manner and in particular undergraduate TAs must complete marking before the exam period.
- Marking Only and Help Centre jobs are more independent so a higher a GPA and experience is normally required.
- Job offers are schedule specific so e-mail if you discover a conflict after you have applied or if you have questions.
Before you begin to fill in this form, make sure you have:
- student ID number
- a list of physics courses completed with a grade of B- or above
- your completed timetable for the term you are applying to TA
- previous TA experience or other relevant experience
- cumulative GPA