Use this form to apply for Math Teaching Assistant, Help Centre and Marker Positions
The department of Mathematics and Computer Science is looking for teaching assistants for the Winter 2025 Semester. Review of applications will begin Monday, December 9th, 2024
By submitting this form, you grant the Math and Computer Science Dept access to view and download your ÂÌñÉçÇø transcript and student schedule to evaluate your application.
We encourage applications from members of racialized communities, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, and persons of all sexual and gender identities. We seek candidates with qualifications and knowledge that contribute specifically to the further diversification of our campus community.
The TA positions for Math 1011 and 1151 and 1311are the best way to start if you have no prior TA experience. These TAs will work in the lab room with students helping them complete weekly assignments; in addition, the TAs will mark the lab assignments. These positions will require 3-5 hours/week.
The Math 1121 TA positions are a great next step if you have 1 or more semesters of TA experience. They have the same format as above; you will be working in the lab room with students and marking lab assignments, requiring 3 to 5 hours per week.
The Data Science 3001 position is a special opportunity for a student with a strong background in coding in R. This TA will help the professor carry out in-class tutorials, assisting students with activities and triaging/troubleshooting R code, and may also be involved in grading outside of class. This position will require 3 to 5 hours per week.
The Marking and Help Centre positions are intended for 3rd and 4th year students with previous TA/Marker experience. Markers will grade and provide written feedback on homework assignments; Help Centre TAs will provide in-person support to students in Math and Comp courses. The Marking positions require 3-5 hours/week, the Help Centre requires 2 hours/week.
We have a conflict of interest policy that applies to relationships between Teaching assistants and students. If you : 1) have been hired as a paid tutor for stduents in your lab section, or 2) have a personal or social relationship with stduents in your lab section, you may be in conflict of interest. As a TA, you will be asked to disclose such relationships.
- MATH 1011: Applicants must have received credit for at least one of MATH 1151 or MATH 1011 (not necessarily both)
- MATH 1151: Applicants must have received credit for MATH 1151 or MATH 1111
- MATH 1121: Applicants must have received credit for MATH 1121. Preference will be given to students with previous TA experience (although it is not required)
- MATH 1311: Applicants must have received credit for MATH 1311 or BIOL 2701. Preference will be given to applicants with experience coding in Python
- DATA 3001: Applicants must have experience coding in R, especially the ability to triage and troubleshoot code. Preference may be given to applicants who have completed DATA 3001 or BIOL 2701 (although neither are required)
- Math 1251: Applicants must have received credit for at least one of Math 1251, Math 2211 or Math 2221.
- Applicants for the other Math Marker positions (Math 2121, 2221, 2321, 3141, 3222) must have completed the course themselves with a high level of excellence. Preference will be given to applicants who have previous TA/Marker experience.
- Help Centre applicants must have completed at least one of the following with a high level of excellence: COMP 1731, MATH 1121 or MATH 1311. Preference will be given to applicants who have previous TA/Marker experience.