Computer science TA/marker application form

Those wishing to apply to be tutors in the Math and Computer Science Help Centres should use the Mathematics TA, marker, and Math/Comp help center application form.

We are looking for teaching assistants for Computer Science courses for the Winter 2025 semester.

Applications should be submitted by Monday December 9th, 2024

Late applications may be considered if positions remain unfilled. However, applicants are strongly encouraged to apply early as the interview and hiring process will begin soon and proceed through December.

If you are uncertain of your timetable or availability for the semester, or if you are only interested in grading duties, please select Other in the form below and specify any details in the provided field.

We encourage applications from members of racialized communities, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, and persons of all sexual and gender identities. We seek candidates with qualifications and knowledge that contribute specifically to the further diversification of our campus community.

We have a conflict-of-interest policy that applies to relationships between Teaching Assistants and students. If you: 1) are a paid tutor for any student in your course or lab section; or 2) have a personal or social relationship with any student in your lab section, you may be in conflict of interest. As a TA, you will be asked to disclose such conflicts.

By submitting this form, you grant the Math and Computer Science Dept. access to view and download your Mt.A transcript and student schedule for the purposes of evaluating your application.

For further details, or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact comp-ta@mta.ca

Specific considerations

Applicants should have taken (or received credit for) the relevant course(s).
TA positions include some preparation and grading responsibilities outside of scheduled class or lab times.

For COMP 1631 applicants:
Preference may be given to applicants available for both classes of the same section, (Section D Tue/Thu or Section E Mon/Wed), but this is not strictly required. Classes requiring TA support begin in the first week of classes, on Monday, Jan. 6th.  Applicants should expect to have returned to campus by this date.

For COMP 1731 applicants:
It is not necessary to be available for both of the L1 and L2 lab sections. Select either, or both, depending on your availability.

For COMP 2711 applicants:
Applicant should be available for both the morning classes and afternoon lab.

Before you begin to fill in this form, make sure you have your:

  • student ID number
  • course schedule

* Indicates required field

Year of study

Have you TA'd or marked for any ÂÌñÉçÇø courses previously?

Available positions

Please check all positions for which you wish to be considered. All times are in Atlantic Time.

If you have any preference for which section(s) would be ideal for you, or have any other considerations, please detail them here.